Balling Sally , my wife’s grandmother

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If anyone would have told me three months ago that I would be having sex with my wife’s 65 year old Grandmother, Sally, I would have laughed in their face. The fact is not only am I doing it , but to be honest with you I’m enjoying the hell out of it. Simply stated the old gal is twice as good in bed as her 30 year old granddaughter.

Here’s the story on age: Sally married my wife’s grandfather at 15 and my mother-in-law was born when she was 16. My mother-in-law married at 18 and had my wife at 19. Sally is 65, my mother-in-law is 49 and my wife is 30. I am 31 and my wife and I have been married for 10 years.

For the first 10 years I knew Sally, I saw her about once or twice a month and she was just a typical grandmother fussing over everyone and cooking all the holiday meals, just the sort of thing a grandmother is supposed to do. Aside from an occasional peck on the cheek when we were leaving her house, there was nothing to tip me off that this woman was a wildcat.

Sally has long gray hair which she typically wears in a bun or just pinned up out of the way. She is really kind of matronly in the way she dresses. I never saw her in anything but a plain cotton house dress or dressed in a dark suit at holiday’s or family functions. Nothing about the lady was flashy or revealing. She was an older lady in every way, slightly heavy with big hips and large breasts. She weighs about 170 pounds and is about 5′ 4″ tall. Hell, she looks like a grandmother.

Last year, my wife’s grandfather retired after surgery for a prostate problem followed shortly thereafter by a heart by-pass. They sold their house in town and bought a smaller house at a lake about 75 miles from town. Gramps continued to work a little on a consulting basis for the engineering company he spent 30 years working for.

Gramps spent a lot of time fishing when he wasn’t at the local VFW hall cooking for everyone or just getting drunk. Sally spent her time working around the house and as a part-time greeter at a local discount store. At Christmas last year, Gramps invited me down to go fishing with him in the spring. Hell, he insisted I come down as soon as it warmed up.

The wife and I made our first visit to the lake one weekend in late April. Gramps and I fished early the first morning and I was hooked. I had never been much of a fisherman before, but when you really catch a lot of fish, it becomes a passion real quick. The wife and I went again in the middle of May and I mentioned to Gramps that I was going on vacation in early June. He insisted I come down and fish with him for a few days. Oh and by the way, I could help him paint the trim on the house while I was there.

I arrived at the lake mid-morning on Monday to spend 4 days of my vacation fishing in the mornings and painting trim in the afternoon. When I got there Gramps informed me he had to go out of town for three days on a consulting job that had just come up. He had to leave for the airport about 3pm because he needed to be onsite in the morning. Sally was at work today, but would be home about 5pm. We visited for a while and he showed me the paint and supplies to use on the house and went over the painting job in great detail before he left for the airport.

I decided I would go ahead and wash the house that afternoon so I could start painting in the morning. I dug around in my suitcase and found a pair of gray cotton athletic shorts I normally slept in and decided to wear them and a tee shirt since I was going to get soaked. After 5 minutes of washing the house I was soaking wet. I was so wet that my jockey shorts were beginning to slide off me. Even though there was no house in sight, I ducked behind a tree and pulled the jockey shorts off and went back to work wearing only the cotton shorts.

As I stood on the ladder washing the trim at the back of the house, I heard Sally calling out to me.

“Donnie, is that you out there?”

“Yea, I’m over here by the corner of the house”, I answered.

I continued spraying and scrubbing as Sally approached. She stopped about 15 feet away from the ladder and I climbed down the ladder to greet her. As I approached her I noticed she got a sort of shocked look on her face, but quickly recovered and leaned over and kissed me lightly on the cheek. We passed a few minutes in small talk before I went back to work and she retreated to the house to start supper. She said she would put a towel on the back porch for me to dry off with before I came in.

I worked until I finished the washing and then stood back and inspected my work with a sense of accomplishment. I’d never painted a house before, but I had certainly done a good job washing it. I put the ladder, hose and cleaning stuff up and went to the porch to dry off. Went I started to dry off, I realized why Sally had such a shocked look on her face when I came down off that ladder. The cotton shorts when wet left nothing to the imagination where my manhood was concerned. While they were not transparent and nothing was visible, they clung to me like a second skin. Don’t get me wrong. I am not well endowed and the cold water certainly made it shrink, but my manhood was certainly easy to spot.

When I dried off I went into the house and straight to the bathroom. I showered, changed and went into the kitchen where Sally was busy cooking.

“I’m sorry if I embarrassed you outside, I had no idea my shorts were pretty close to committing indecent exposure”, I said.

“Don’t give it a thought honey, I did raise a little boy you know, besides an old gal like me can use a thrill every now and then.” We both laughed and went on to make small talk. After dinner we sat on the porch until about 10pm and I decided to hit the sack. I told Sally I was going to get up at 5am to go fishing. I slept like a baby that night.

When the clock went off at 5am, I hurriedly dressed and went to the kitchen to make coffee. To my surprise Sally was in the kitchen making me breakfast. She had prepared Bacon and eggs and was standing by the counter waiting for the toast to pop up when I entered.

“You didn’t have to cook breakfast, you’re going to spoil me.”

“Well it’s the least I can do since I’m getting free house painting labor.”

I sat down while she poured us both a cup of coffee at the counter and noticed she was wearing only her gown, no housecoat. The gown was baby blue nylon and came down to just above her knees, but it was apparent there was nothing underneath it. Just as I had done yesterday afternoon, Sally was leaving nothing to the imagination.

I hurriedly gobbled my breakfast and struck out for fishing, never giving a second thought to Sally. Upon my return, I cleaned my catch and with Sally’s help prepared them for the freezer. We both went to change clothes to start painting. I gathered up all the supplies and both ladders and got them squared away around the back of the house. In a few minutes Sally came out. She had her hair tied tightly in a big scarf so she wouldn’t get paint in it and she wore one of Gramps old shirts which she had pulled tight across her waist and tied the tails in a knot across her stomach. She was wearing a pair of baggy fleece cutoffs probably made from a pair of Gramps jogging pants. They were cut off pretty short. I had never seen her dressed like this before, but I’d never seen her paint a house before either.

“You are going to have to hold the ladder for me when I go up and down on it because I’m a little scared if it wobbles”, Sally said.

As she climbed the eight foot ladder I stood at the bottom and held it steady. When she neared the step she would stand on to paint, I was looking straight up the back of the baggy legs of the shorts at both cheeks of her ass. I must admit for an old lady, it looked pretty firm. It did not appear to sag one bit. I stole a second look before I went over to my ladder. I was treated to this show every time I moved the ladder for her.

We painted until about 5pm and finished the rear of the house. I started cleaning up the paint stuff while Sally went in to shower and change. She told me when I came in to take off my paint clothes in the laundry room in the hall and she would wash them for tomorrow.

When I entered the house I headed straight for the laundry room. When I got to the door Sally was bent over with her back to me removing some clothes from the dryer. She was wearing only panties and a bra. The panties were the typical old lady type you would expect, but they were white and thin enough to see through. This lady had an ass that a heavy 20 year old woman would die for. It was very well rounded and really looked firm. As she rose after finishing with the clothes she either caught sight of me or sensed my presence because she turned around to face me. My eyes instinctively looked down at the front of her panties. I had heard all my life that pubic hair turns gray as you get older, but hers certainly wasn’t. There was a thick triangular shaped patch of black clearly visible through the panties. Her stomach was surprisingly flat for a woman her age and weight. Her breasts were huge and the bra pushed them up and together to form the most cleavage I’d ever seen. Sally stood there in silence as I looked at her. She never moved or tried to cover herself.

I took a step toward her at the same time she moved toward me. Neither of us said a word. We locked in an embrace and kissed passionately. It was almost like my first time. I was both excited and nervous. My hands were all over her body just as hers were on mine. I undid the strap on her bra and released her breasts from the bra. They sagged quite a bit, but they were extremely soft. The brown spots on the end were massive and the nipples were at least and inch long, erect and hard as a rock. I went down on my knees and took turns sucking each nipple and kissing each soft breast. Sally moaned with pleasure.

I stood and kissed her again as she slowly backed up against the wall. She raised her left leg and placed her foot on top of a short plastic hamper in the corner. She reached down, unzipped my pants and pulled my Dick out with her right hand while she moved her panties aside with her left hand. As I entered her, I can honestly say I have not felt that type of sensation since the very first time. I thrust forward and fully entered her and when I did I felt her right leg give slightly almost as if her knee buckled. She came within 45 seconds. I was not far behind her. I can honestly say that was the best I’d ever had. We stood in silence for about three or four minutes holding each other tightly.

I spoke first.

“I’m sorry, please forgive me.”

“No need to be sorry, we both wanted it and it looks like we both needed it and it certainly felt like we both enjoyed it. Question is where do we go from here?”

I didn’t say a word, I just kissed her again. I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. We spent the better part of that night having some of the most memorable sex I’ve ever had. The woman is an a****l. She can go for hours. She loves oral and gives great head. It took a great deal of effort on my part to finish painting that house before Gramps got home.

Since June I have gone fishing at least two weekends a month. While Gramps is down at the VFW, I’m balling his wife. Sometimes while he’s drinking beer on the front porch, she’s fucking my brains out in the laundry room. We did it in the closet of my mother-in-law’s spare bedroom over the 4th of July weekend while the other women were gone to the store and the men were cooking in the back yard.

Just goes to show you can’t judge a book by its cover.

I found this story a few years ago, and loved it.Balling Sally , my wife's grandmotherBalling Sally , my wife's grandmother 2Balling Sally , my wife's grandmother 3

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