FORTUNE FAVOURS THE BRAVE – or horny and reckless

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FORTUNE FAVOURS THE BRAVE – or horny and recklessThis happened years ago during the peak of my post puberty period, the main characteristic of which was uncontrollable sexual desire. I am not proud of some of the things I got up to, allowing testosterone to take over. It is fair to say my morality was somewhat skewed.I was in a nightclub on a bender with some friends; we were all in a bit of a state by the latter stages of the night. The dance floor was packed with sweaty individuals and the number of hot girls had my hormones raging. I was knocked a couple of times from behind so glanced over my shoulder to see a couple. They were obviously pretty keen on each other. Hands were visibly roaming and the almost constant kissing was full on for a public place. It was hot! I observed them subtly for a while establishing that she had a good body. Her face remained a mystery in the half light and lazer beams. They both looked in an equally messy state.The amorous behaviour continued as my frustration climbed to unbearable levels.  Why wasn’t I groping this chick who was clearly either with him or set on spending the night behaving like an a****l with the bloke.One of the main dance floor activities was groping. A significant amount of time was invested in glancing tit feels and ass cupping in the darkness. Girls pushing through the mass of dancers were a favourite target. I decided to try my luck with the couple to my rear. I had always fantasised about taking advantage of a kissing couple for my perverse pleasures but was yet to be bold enough.My hand casually glanced across her cheek as we made contact while dancing. After a hesitant pause I established the coast was clear. Moments later I repeated the process taking in both cheeks. They definitely could have been firmer but in my condition it was bliss.I waited until another kiss (not a long wait)and clasped a cheek lightly, still no reaction.  Throwing caution to the wind the next attempt went under her short skirt  and touched bare skin for a fleeting moment. Could I have got this lucky? Surely not even the loosest of women would venture into this environment without underwear.I waited trying desperately to rationalise a decent pause before the next attempt. This time I clasped feeling a sweaty ass and equally sweaty knickers. In alternative surroundings the dampness might have been sexy but the fact it was clearly sweat from this skanky chick was in fact slightly rank. She would have to have either gushed or wet herself to be that sodden. I suspect this would have been humiliating for her had she known I was assessing her personal hygiene in this manner. Still no visible reaction through the lazer punctuated darkness. I was amazed fatih escort to have got this far without being punched. God bless intoxicants!  I couldn’t control my excitement and reached out again feeling the moisture right between her legs and briefly brushing a damp pussy.  I was in heaven!  The music wound down before levelling and quickly starting to build. I noticed some commotion from the couple as seemingly they were taking advantage of the lull in being knocked by furious dancers to ingest more of whatever dr*g was their weapon of choice.As both heads emerged in unison their lips locked passionately. I watched his hand dip beneath her skirt momentarily before hanging at his side. This was the opportunity I had waited for! Turning back to back simultaneously scanning faces for recognition of my actions and groping for the target. My brain was at full capacity as I rationalised risk levels and considered the implications of getting busted. It was fair to say that my condition did not lend itself to fighting.All thoughts were brushed aside as I touched bare flesh. The initial landing spot was inner cheek then damp crotch. My inhibitions at an all time low as various chemicals affected my judgement I pressed on hoping to feel a lip either side of my finger through the damp underwear.For those of you who have read my previous posts my writing is pretty focused on reality not the fantasies people try to pass off as real but are clearly rubbish to anyone really into certain perversions. I appreciate how much time someone with voyeur etc perversions needs to invest to create opportunities. The majority of the potential ‘experiences’ are ruined by me deciding the risk is too great or events just don’t pan out in a way that leaves you with an amazing memory of a new female body to remember. Very occasionally you just get lucky, today was one of those days!Even fleeting contact would have been incredible, I was still undecided about how far to go. Purely by chance my index finger touched the material at the exact moment that her body dipped slightly while dancing . My finger just slipped inside as if it was lazer guided. I was up to the first knuckle before I realised my luck. Momentarily pausing To enjoy the moment. I dared not go in any further so withdrew, sliding along the slit just enough to brush hair .  It felt relatively short not as well maintained as it could be, but overall fairly good.It took a huge force of will to retract my hand due to the intense levels of adrenaline pumping through my veins. I was overwhelmed to say the least! Surely I had reached the extent of my luck quota for the night, if not the decade. My facade arnavutköy escort of innocent dancing next to the target couple must be wearing thin. Glancing around nervously I concluded that the punch could come from any of the 360 degrees of sweaty darkness if I was spotted. It would take ages for the bouncers to get to that position in the depths of the dance floor. The thought occurred that the clubs security team were more likely to join in the public beating of a bloke fingering someone’s mrs than save me.No rational human would consider the risk I was choosing to subject myself to be reasonable. Once again I defer to my youthful imbalance of hormones (and lack of ability to satisfy), poor judgment and many, many intoxicants. This is by no means an excuse for acting immorally those of you with similar interests will get my inclusion of this paragraph. Shuffling around awkwardly to the house beat with hands high in the hope of deflecting a punch I waited. Bizarrely the world had continued to turn. I feigned lighting a cigarette to taste the relevant finger, unsurprisingly the pervading flavour was sweaty nightclub. Still a win though.Without even realising it one hand was returning to the glory-hole. After a cursory glance around and momentary pause my finger continued snaking towards the prey. Landing squarely on one cheek that I delighted in giving a quick squeeze/ cup. The likelihood is when sober it would have felt a little flabby, however at that exact moment it was literally the best arse on the planet.Emboldened by the lack of visible reaction my finger slipped into her up to the first knuckle before darting forward for a slightly more comprehensive assessment of her grooming. After swiping inside the front of her underwear I backtracked along the sodden slit inserting my full index finger for a blissful moment.As I straightened up it felt like the coast was no longer clear. I clocked 2 guys having a close chat. Was I being paranoid or were they looking in my direction? Trying to play it cool while freaking out is harder than it sounds, but I pulled it off. Clearly my confident demeanour had thrown them from the scent and they were now doubting themselves. Sweet!My confidence returned as it became clear I was a good actor, despite no formal training. Not long afterwards my mind returned to the opportunity presenting itself, I could hardly ignore it. Again and again her ass knocked into me beckoning attention. Naturally my resolve crumbled and the groping continued. After a couple of glancing blows across her cheeks I decided to have a look at my prize. One hand lifting the back of her short skirt my body contorted bağcılar escort in a weird dance move so I could both bend down and look behind me. I knew one attempt was all I had here so waited for the lighting to work with me. Turning to find one beautiful cheek on full show and reasonably well lit, needless to say I smiled. Light blue cotton panties caught my attention they were bunched tightly in the cleft between her cheeks. The effect was kind of raw disheveled etc – hot!It was a lot to take in visually for the brief time I had considered to be safe. I focused on trying to emblazon the details into my subconscious. As I returned to normal position I was met with eruptions of laughter from the two guys I had seemingly outfoxed earlier. They had moved closer, presumably to get a ringside seat to watch me behaving appallingly. A moment of clarity; it became blatantly clear that my earlier judgement call about the two guys was a huge fail. They busted me earlier then watched in amazement as I brushed it off and went back for more. They walked towards me looking increasingly less amused. Each grabbing a shoulder in a friendly manner yet holding me in position. Much to their amusement I denied everything. Protesting my innocence lasted until we created enough of a scene for another bloke to join the conversation. He failed to see the funny side.Backtracking a little and admitting some culpability only made things worse. In fact it turned the mood sour, so I confessed before the situation escalated. I said I was going to confess and apologise quickly turning to face her leaving them no opportunity to stop me. I figured facing her man was favourable to 3 men.Please god let me come up with an idea. I walked up to the couple and asked for their help. They looked at me in a friendly but confused manner but continued to listen. I told them I had knocked over a champagne bottle by accident which belonged to the 3 guys glaring at me. It was apparently some smart bottle that they were dead set on me replacing for £900. I simply couldn’t afford it so I gave them the £200 I had on me as a contribution at which point they threatened to beat me. They told me that if they were ever short of cash they just take it from a girl. So they said I had to approach you and take the money. Obviously I am not going to rob anyone least of all a lady. Please can you slap me and shout at me as if I had tried to steal it Then they MIGHT not beat me up. She laughed and said no worries. She did an epic job and instantly went mental slapping me. I took the opportunity to leg it through the crowd towards the exit. The 3 blokes yelled at me and gave chase. They were rapidly catching up as I did the grunt work of barging through the crowd. Then amazingly the couple who I had been so keen on obstructed them yelling at people that they were trying to make me rob people. In the confusion their progress was much slower than mine and I was able to get out and safely into a taxi.As my fear subsidised i reflected on how lucky i had been. What a night!

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