Making Of A Faggot

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Making Of A Faggot
By: Londebaaz Chohan

Arthur once again heard loud and clear tone of the stranger asking him to go ahead and touch his cock. He was emphasizing for Art that he may never get another chance to touch and feel such manly meat. Deep inside of his mind and body Art also knew that the stranger was right. He had to grab it, feel it, stroke it, worship it, love it! His hand reached out; knowing well that if he did not back out and did as asked, he will become a faggot for sure. The next words he heard were really disgracing and abusive, when the stranger yelled; calling Art, the mother fucking faggot and asked him to get going fast and touch it now.

21 years old Arthur, the young white boy had just completed his under grad business classes about 4 months back and after completing a satisfactory internship with the food stuff company; it was the second week that this company management had hired him as the territory manager and this was his only the fourth day in the field. The town was new for him and he had stopped at this public restroom to take a leak and then go for some decent lunch meal. He had never seen such restroom ever before which had a sign of bathroom outside. Inside it had a toilet, a urinal and a small sink and a mirror but no stalls. He was minding his own business standing at the urinal that he saw this burly about 30’sh, brute man barge in; making him realize that he had not locked the door properly and now he had no choice. He was obviously peeing as he stood a bit dejected but could only think that this man may really had to go plus there was enough room inside anyway.

The stranger walked straight to the toilet next to Arthur; there eyes met for a short moment, unzipped, stepped back about half a step and let go the loose, strong yellow stream. Being at the perfect angle, Arthur had the chance to have a look at the man’s cock which was at least 6 inches long, with a huge foreskin dangling at the end making a lovely scene of urine flowing through a funnel and it was not at all hard yet. Arthur could hardly hold back a loud WOW!!! What a nice sized big dick; he whispered to himself. The shy nature of the young boy had met its challenge making it extremely hard to look away, although he had never been naked with an another man. He was a man no less and had fucked a couple of pussies; Arthur never was truly comfortable naked even when he fucked the consensual girls in college.

Somehow lately; Arthur had found himself fantasizing about touching, holding a nice, hard cock; sucking and savoring the taste of the man meat and manly juices plus even taking the wet slippery cock up his ass at times. This Gay or homo sex was only a masturbation fantasy for Arthur but it had been also occurring more and more often even when he was not naked and beating his stiff meat for pleasure. The fantasy had grown so strong on Arthur to become his second nature that he had a bag of his own sex toys; mainly consisting of the various shaped, small medium and large; thin, thick and even copious sized dildos made to resemble the man’s cock, which he was using to suck on making it believe as a real cock. Although rarely but lately; he had begun to putting some of these dildos up his ass, imagining that he was getting fucked by another man. He was not sure; what devil had got into him but he was being mischievous and naughty day by day.

He was not going to believe even in a million years that it was due to a Gay video he watched in which the loud voice was being repeated over and over; suggesting that you loved cock, you craved the cock, you longed for the taste of another adult man’s cum, you were made to worship the cock and still some more such powerful suggestions. Not only this but on the screen, there was a continuous display of submissive sissy boys and slutty fag guys were shown; happily, and lovingly sucking the hard man poles and begging to be fucked as their cute asses were raised in the air. He could not deny that watching them young faggot boys, swig up the rapid squirts of man made but still natural slush of vitamins and minerals had something to do with him being thrown over this uncontrolled edge. The fact remained; even if he believed or not that he was hooked and he watched that video over and again for hundreds of times. Arthur O’ poor fucked up Arthur was now so helpless that he with all his senses intact, searched some other faggot training videos to enjoy while masturbating and ejaculating the hardest ever as the background voices told him; he was a sissy, faggot, born to be a cock sucker and be no more than a worthless Cum dumpster for other men; in his ass or the mouth and he should never resist or disobey when they wanted to use his fuck holes. He should feel pride while submitting to men, all men and being a cock hungry slut while sucking those huge dongs and danglers until they fully quenched his thirst for sperm. While masturbating it never failed to make him cum the hardest every single time.
As we all know; this powerful fantasy grows and grows with time and now Arthur had started licking his own fingers after he was done masturbating and his ejaculate was still warm and fresh on his hand in obedience to the orders given in the training videos; loving the taste of his cum. It was thankfully all a fantasy within himself unknown to the people and friends around him, just an innocent fantasy; fucking sissy faggot, cum slut fantasy to enjoy when alone and naked, to make him hornier. Being a shy bitch; he did not share with anyone nor made any advances or follow through these lewd perverted thoughts.

Nonetheless, lately; he could not help but his eyes did much more than just glancing the bulges of the men, imagining a certain picture of their cocks and balls and always hoped to get a chance to see one this close as he was seeing right then and that brought him back to the reality; realizing that the man had stopped peeing. The deep male voice suddenly made a chilling wave run thru him as he heard the man ask him if he liked what he saw. To the height of his non belief, he was caught staring at the gorgeous cock attached to the man sharing the bathroom with him while he was day dreaming and running his fantasy in his mind. He had no choice but to excuse and quickly exit the men’s room but he was ordered to stop and stay, which he had no choice but felt forced to obey. Frozen in his shoes; he heard again the man tell him that it was alright making Arthur look at him sheepishly.

By then the man had turned, facing Arthur; his cock still out in his hand, asking Arthur to go ahead and take a good look at it and even took a couple of steps to be closer to Arthur. Now the man was blocking the exit door with his back fixed against the door and his enormous cock hanging out in full view. To make it look even more attractive, the man was shaking it up and down with his fingers pushing under his balls to make it look far more sexy and grandiose. Take a good look; he heard the next command; you know you would love to look and cherish its beauty. Being fully aware of wanting to as asked; Arthur stared intently at the man’s cock, noticing that it had started to grow hard and fat although extremely slowly. Instead of looking close to almost 6 inches in length; it positively looked more like 8 inches at least. A very fat, sculpted head had emerged out of the foreskin and the shaft was showing unbelievably large and swollen veins protruding on the both sides. It looked very delicious and enjoyable as it pulsed right at that moment making Arthur to lick his lips imagining its feel on his tongue and its taste on his taste buds in his mouth.

O’ fuck! Now the man was asking Arthur, if he liked it to which Arthur just muttered, yes; yeah, it was beautiful. It was perfect; he added. What an innocent young boy Arthur was; not understanding the trap he was digging for himself by calling the man cock as a perfect cock. Perhaps all the shame and shyness of being a sissy had evaporated as he knew, he wanted that cock, of course. The man thanked him for the compliment which followed a total silence in the men’s room. Arthur noticed that the man’s cock had started to look more and more dangerous as it had attained its full length and girth with its huge purple head resembling like a rounded end of the sledge hammer as it throbbed again and again.

Now the man wanted to know, if Arthur had played with any other man’s cock but he quickly told the fact that he had never seen any other man’s cock but his own only but felt belittled and shameless mother fucking bitch boy, getting weak in his legs with the subject of his desire only less than a yard away. Oh my God, Arthur thought for a second of being so shameless and wanted to get out of there but he could not move, he was so mesmerized by that beautiful cock of the stranger man. He wanted to have that cock, hold it, own it, play with it like a toddler wanting the ownership of his toy truck or train. He was fully dominated by the stranger’s fat cock; to say the least and getting turned on.

Arthur slowly reached and gripped the man as told. It felt so alive, hot and wonderful as he stroked it gently. Suddenly Art’s emotions shook him as he realized holding another man’s hard cock. He did not even know the name of this man but throbbing cock in his fist was keeping all his attention focused and making him feel good too. He knew his fantasy was coming true better than he ever thought.

The man was talking to him, Arthur realized; when he heard him say, “I knew you would like it, you were staring at my dick like a true cock hungry slut”. He had no problem for being called a cock hungry slut but the rough style of the man shook him a bit for sure. He thought to himself, yes he was a cock hungry slut; what else he should be called with another man’s cock in his hand and that too so proudly in a public restroom. His head was spinning, it felt so right but then it did not feel so right. He was fighting a losing battle but decided to make a herculean effort before the last of his dignity and sanity left him. Glad to come to is senses, he loosened his grip, deciding to leave and forget it ever happened. Like the telepathy working at its best; the man barked loud telling Arthur to keep stroking and to close his eyes if he wanted to enjoy it the best. Arthur lost it again as he closed his eyes, giving in to the feelings gushing through him and started stroking the cock more fervently. Oh! Yes, no doubt he was enjoying it better now. The cock felt so hard yet so soft; the desire was peaking, he wanted this cock like his own; he wanted to make the stranger man feel good, he wanted to make him cum, he wanted to be a real cock slut; a real cock hungry slut for all men to please them all.

The man moaned softly, enjoying the boy’s tight grip and fervent stroking and Arthur’s mind got suddenly flooded with the images of hundreds of cocks and cum filled heavy balls under them. There was no doubt, none what so ever for him being a sissy slutty cock whore, doing what he was born to do the best. With a sigh of delight, the man turned his upper body a little, reached behind him and locked the door. For some obvious reason Arthur felt the clicking sound much more than threatening in the small room to get locked with the masculine man, seeing him drop his pants and underwear to the floor in a swift move. In continuation of the move, he lifted his shirt as well making Arthur see all of him, his punched in belly, hard abs, his hard cock in young hands and his heavily filled beautiful balls. The scenery could not be more hot, more perfect and soothing for the eyes.

Like a robot, Arthur moved closer to absorb and endure the smell of the man’s sweat, his balls and his sex lube oozing out of the cock slit. Exactly then the cock pulsed to expel more of the slimy slick pre cum; which Arthur so dutifully painted over the cock head with his fingers making the man moan loudly. For no obvious reason, Arthur realized being rock hard in his pants while he reached down to grope the adult man’s balls. He had no doubt for being in heaven and knew what exactly he was going to do next without receiving his next command for him to suck it. Suck my cock, you hot bitch; he heard. Arthur kneeled to get to the focal point of his gay desires and get a close up look of the man’s cock. Oh my fucking Lord!! He almost stopped breathing; seeing “Harry Jr.” tattooed on the clean shaved pubic area of the man. The erect cock looked so stupendous and remarkable; Arthur realized it was all for him and his faggot mouth. It was so big, hot and throbbing, inches away from his face.

Arthur moaned much louder as he reached out reverently and gripped it by the neck behind the head. It was the most beautiful cock, the long, hard and thick; with swollen veins all around filled with the blood. The balls were also heavy, full of fresh cum stored in them… mmmmm mmmm hot thick, salty man cum. Arthur could not resist and squeezed some, making another large drop ooze out of the slit which he licked like in a slow motion. He felt himself floating in the air; he was so mesmerized.

You! Fucking faggot; hurry up, start sucking my cock; Arthur heard the orders so clearly and with his drawn out tongue, he licked the glazing head of the man’s cock, savoring the salty taste of the oozing dick juice and then rapidly wrapping his tongue around the thick ridge; holding the cock firmly close to its very fat base. Harry Jr. was feeling fantastic and so was Harry; in roaring appreciation of service to his cock. Soon the licking spread all around and below the big head. Although it was the first time ever but the youngster knew; he had to make both Harry Jr. and Harry proud of himself and his service by providing the best blow job ever by any cocksucker before him. Quickly he took the larger head in his mouth and like a maestro he was now sucking and licking it as a natural function. Soon he was on a role as a champion sucker, needing it, craving it to do the best.

For no good reason, he wanted to be spoken dirty and he just took the cock head out of his mouth; but before even he opened his mouth to speak, he got showered with filthy language calling him sissy faggot bitch and asking him to get busy, sucking and licking his cock and balls and of course it was Harry the man giving the slurs; who else. Shameless Arthur, the cock whore for the stranger, felt so proud of being called all those degrading and demeaning words; making him suck deeper into his hot wet mouth to please the Harry man and make him cum. Soon, he was slowly bobbing his head around and then up and down as well, making his jaw stretch to limits. He continued the best he could; deeper and deeper. Arthur choked; Harry’s cock forced its way deeper filling Arthur’s throat, almost cutting off his air supply. While reverse wrenched; Arthur took a deep breath before his head was again pushed down and breached even deeper; skull fucked and spoken filthy. The dildos Arthur had collected for practicing had made him to dare and not disappoint Harry and give a hard try to swallow Harry clear to his balls for pleasure. Soon as he relaxed his throat and took a deep breath closing his eyes; Harry sensed a change and forced his fat cock down the gullet until his stomach felt Arthur’s face on it. Arthur felt losing his senses but he did it. He had Harry in his tight throat down to the hilt.

Proudly he held the cock in place and swallowed; well aware that Harry will feel the tight throat around his cock. As slowly he brought his head back, letting the fat cock slide out; he looked at Harry enjoying immensely with his eyes tight shut, he slowly put the cock again in his mouth, repeating the action again and again; all the way IN, out, IN, out.
Harry complimenting the boy’s effort and calling him every faggot name in the dictionary, but Art was happy, proud and even horny as he continued to suck while Harry fucked his face harder and deeper. Strangely, all the verbal abuse plus brutal fucking of his throat was making Arthur overly horny and his own cock was pulsing, throbbing like never before and make him feel like he could cum every time he was called a faggot, a cock whore, sissy cock sucking boy. His cruel words encouraged Arthur to make Harry cum and he decided to make Harry stop fucking his face like that in exchange for some better thing all by himself. Harry stopped his thrusts permitting Arthur to make love to his cock producing loud glugging noise. Arthur really wanted Harry to cum; he wanted to taste Harry’s cum as it slid down his throat in globs and painting his face. Now Arthur really wanted to be a faggot whore, he was rebounding his face on Harry’s cock; all the way down, so as to even lick his balls, then back up for a repeat. He had started doing it all for Harry, for Harry Jr. all by himself. His one hand was also jacking Harry while the other was entertaining his balls, his tongue was swirling around the sensitive cock head and going down the full length of shaft over and again in a special fury; knowing soon he was to be fed the best nectar a man and nature can produce together. You fucking faggot, you are making me cum; I am cumminggggggggg, O’ mother fucking bastard bitch boy, take it all, swallow. Every word was so clear as Arthur felt Harry Jr. swell in his mouth, head expanded much more and squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, squ…. The pump was on, the blasts were hitting the roof of Arthur’s mouth, hot spunk was tasting so fresh and lively. Arthur cupped the balls snarled in one huge knot and one hand went working on the shivering hard shaft as he swallowed every bit provided in his mouth.

Soon as the squirting ended, Arthur took the cock out of his mouth but continued to jerk him making Harry call him every nasty word he knew as his shaft felt ablaze due to sensitivity. Finally, he eased up on the sensitive cock head, feeling warmth in his tummy.

Coming to senses; Harry complimented Arthur for a wonderful blow job calling him a champion cock sucker, faggot whore; as he pulled up his pants over the still magnificent looking dick and zip locked the wet one before unlocking the door, looking at the faggot boy on his knees and walked out. He told Arthur that he was a true faggot and hoped to see him again someday soon and even promised to fuck him next time.

After the door closed behind Harry, as he walked out; Arthur got up off his knees and slowly walked to the mirror on the wall. For a moment he could not recognize the man in the mirror, his knees were bruised, his jaws were hurting, his hair was ruffled, his throat was scratched and aching but, his tummy was warm and it felt the best of all. Slowly recalling the events for the last half an hour or so; Arthur’s dick got very hard in his pants; realizing that he had not cum yet, may be enjoyed sucking Harry too much and just could not focus on his own need. As he dropped his pants, looking in the mirror, he kind of started talking to his image in the mirror, confessing to himself that yes, he was a faggot, cock sucker. Soon his own fresh brewed nectar was falling on the restroom floor in big globs as he repeated the fact to himself that he had found finally; yes, he was a cock sucker and soon he will be very giving; ass fucked faggot too.

The End……… Your comments are appreciated. Londebaaz Chohan

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