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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
While we were living in our cozy little duplex on the military post, we got new neighbors in the single residence that faced the street behind our place (we had a corner lot). It sat more or less behind us, and was normally allocated for use by someone of the highest NCO ranks, like a First Sergeant or Sergeant Major. In this case, though, a guy who was my rank was assigned the house. He said later he was assigned that one because they didn’t have any other empty quarters and there was no one higher ranking slated to be coming in for a while that would need those quarters. So he got a nice, three bedroom single unit all his own.
The guy’s name was Benny, and his wife was named Chen. When they were first moving in, Mandi and I didn’t get a very good look at them. We noted that there were two kids, a boy and girl. The boy appeared to be about junior high age, the girl maybe 6th grade. We figured we would meet them eventually, and took our dogs out to the woods for a nice run. No one was around when we got home, and we didn’t pay much attention after that.
About a week later, they reappeared at the house, and I walked out back out of curiosity. They came around the house, and waved at me. I could just make out that the wife was Oriental, and I was able to get a closer look at the kids, both definitely Oriental mix. Benny introduced himself to me and told me his story.
He had broken his back in a helicopter crash in which 4 people had been killed, and the rest had been seriously hurt. He was apparently the lucky one of the bunch. He wore a back brace and had limited physical capability. He was assigned to this post as an instructor in one of the advanced training schools. He would spend his last two years working as an instructor before retiring.
Mandi came out of the house with some beers, and I offered him one as I introduced Mandi. He took a beer, opened it and nursed it a while as we chatted. After a while, his wife came out and waved to us, but didn’t come over. He turned and told her he would be inside shortly, and she left. She had on some loose, floppy sweats and had her hair tucked into a baseball cap.
Benny told us she liked to make her own kimchi, and asked if we liked it. We both eagerly agreed and told him it would be a delight to have fresh, homemade kimchi.
We didn’t talk for almost another month. We would occasionally see them come and go, and they finally got their own household goods shipped in from his previous duty assignment. About three weeks after that, I was out in the back yard when Benny came out back and called to me. He wanted to know if Mandi and I would come over later to see the house and have a drink with them. I told him that we would be happy to come by after Mandi came home from work.
She got home about an hour later and I told her about the invite. She freshened up and I when I saw Benny behind his house again I went out and asked if it was too early to come over. He said no and waved me over. Mandi and I walked around the fence and over to their front door.
Benny opened the door before we knocked and invited us in. Our first impression was stunned silence. They had some absolutely gorgeous furniture, beautiful colors, a finely tuned Oriental touch, and some accessory pieces that were obviously extremely expensive. We tried not to gape as Benny asked what we wanted to drink. Mandi settled for some wine, and I got a beer, and we continued to stand in the living room with our drinks.
I heard a female voice call to Benny, and he went down the hallway for a minute and returned to tell us that Chen would join us in a couple of minutes. He invited us to sit, and we made ourselves comfortable, marveling at some of the Oriental artwork on the walls.
Sure enough, Chen came in the living room after just a couple of minutes, and I was once again left speechless. She was without a doubt one of the most beautiful Oriental women I had ever seen in my life. She was flat, stone gorgeous. My tongue got hard. I almost chocked on my beer. Mandi reached over and pinched me on the leg. I stood up and shook hands, noting she had a light, delicate touch like shaking hands with a summer cloud. She had a faint but tantalizing air of perfume that was both stimulating and intriguing. She wore a silk lounge set of pants and top, with sandals. She definitely put a lot of Oriental women to shame with her body. She had tits that pushed the silk top out and ass like there was no tomorrow. No skinny girl, this one.
We decided to let them take us for a tour of the house. I went with Benny, and Mandi left with Chen. I was disappointed but the look I got from Mandi said that I had better be very nice and watch my manners.
We got back together after looking through the entire place, including the kids’ bedrooms. The son was the older of the two, in the 9th grade. The younger daughter was, as we figured, a 6th grader. Both apparently made straight A’s and were into all kinds of academic achievement.
Chen, as it turned out, had a 4-year college degree from a university in Seoul, Korea. She had worked in accounting with an architectural firm that specialized in interior design. She had let some of the discipline rub off on her, from the looks of her house and the furnishings. I marveled that such a beautiful woman could have fallen for a guy like Benny. He was rather plain looking, tall, already gray hair he told me he had for several years. I couldn’t help but think that I hoped he had a really big cock, because that appeared to me to be the only thing he could have had going for him. He had a high school education, a broken back, and had to be the luckiest guy in the world.
After Mandi and I got home, she dived all over me.
“I saw you drooling over Chen. You couldn’t have been more obvious! I thought you were going to drop your lower jaw, and I figured a hard on would be next,” she raved. “You just better keep your eyes, and hands off her.”
I was a bit surprised by the heated reaction, but softly said, “I love it when you’re jealous.”
Mandi glared at me and snarled, “What makes you think I’m jealous?”
I laughed and told her, “I saw that look you gave her when she walked in, and you couldn’t have been looking too closely at me since you almost bit your tongue off. And you had the audacity to pinch me on the leg like I was the one who was gaping like a fool!”
Mandi didn’t like being caught, especially since she had already started to get jealous when there was absolutely no reason to. She laughed it off, though, and we decided to open up a bottle of wine. Later that evening, Mandi and I went to bed and had a killer romp. I think Mandi was in a bit of a competitive mood, and she really went at it for me. She seemed awfully enthusiastic and did a masterful job sucking my cock while we were in a 69. I actually thought that maybe I should try to get her around beautiful women more often.
I saw Chen occasionally working around her house, and then one day I saw her digging up some dirt by the patio in the back. I asked her if she was planting some new shrubs or something, and she stood up and laughed.
“It’s for kimchi,” she told me.
I understood completely, since it was traditionally buried in the ground while it fermented. She walked over and asked me if I really liked kimchi, and I told her that the hotter, the better. She laughed again, and just when I asked how long it would take for it to be edible, Mandi came blasting out the door and ran over to my side.
“We’ll soon have fresh kimchi,” I told Mandi.
She smiled a tight lipped smile, and told Chen how much I liked Korean food, and especially kimchi. She also told Mandi she had started taking an aerobics class at one of the gyms on post and asked her if she wanted to go with her.
“I would love to but I work, and I have trouble keeping up with the exercises,” Mandi told her.
I found this a bit odd since she and I did aerobics at home daily from her taped sessions off ESPN. Mandi wasn’t one to just blow someone of like that. Chen seemed disappointed, and told Mandi it was really fun.
Mandi bowed out again, and Chen suddenly looked down, and then after a second said, “Well OK. See you later.”
Mandi and I went back in the house, and I told her, “She would really have liked for you to go with her to an aerobics class. I doubt she knows anyone else, and probably likes you.”
Mandi just shook her head and told me, “I don’t need a new friend right now, I have plenty.”
This surprised me since Mandi was usually outgoing and liked meeting new people. But I let it go.
A couple of weeks later, I was home with Mandi early in the afternoon after not having to close my training site. Chen drove into their driveway, jumped out and ran in the house. I really didn’t pay much attention until she popped out of the back door and headed over to the kimchi pots. She was wearing a canary yellow spandex aerobics set, with a sleeveless top and Capri length pants. It had black trim and highlights, and clung to her body like second skin. She waved at me, and after freeing one of the pots from the ground, dashed into the house with it.
A short time later, as I was starting back into the house, Chen came back out and came down through the yard to my fence. She had a couple of small bowls in her hand and a small bundle of something wrapped in a cloth. Mandi came out about that time, which gave me the opportunity to look away, since the spandex outfit was wet with sweat and was damn near transparent. I could see Chen’s tits and rock hard nipples through the top. Had she been totally naked I don’t think it would have been any more appealing.
Chen handed us each a bowl, and then unwrapped some silver chop sticks with Koroean writing at the top, giving each of us a set.
“It’s ready,” Chen told us with a big smile.
I sat down in the grass on my side of the fence, and Chen told us she would be right back. She turned and headed toward her house, and I got a killer view of her luscious ass in the skin tight pants, and watched her cheeks jiggle and shake all the way to the door.
Mandi poked me with her chopsticks and said, “Put your eyes back in your head!”
I laughed and told her to mind her own business. Chen came back with a bowl for herself, and sat down cross legged by the fence. She sat just a foot or so from me, with a wire fence between us. I could see the lines of her pussy lips through the pants. She didn’t have much for pubic hair.
We ate our kimchi in relative silence for a couple of minutes until Mandi said, “Wow, this is really hot. I didn’t think so at first but it is burning me up now.”
Chen and I laughed and I told Mandi to get her some wine, and bring a couple of beers for us and she rambled off to cool her tongue. Chen and I kept eating and I kept enjoying the view of her body through the semi-transparent spandex outfit.
Mandi came back with the beers and some wine, handed Chen a beer over the fence, and we continued to work on the kimchi. It was delicious, just the right amount of heat, and a delightful flavor, not too much garlic, nicely chopped cabbage without any big, tough pieces. She did a wonderful job.
“You like?” Chen finally asked.
“Wonderful,” I replied though a mouthful, “The best I have ever eaten.”
Chen blushed slightly and I noticed that her nipples, previously having settled down, got rock hard again. Fortunately, Mandi didn’t notice as she was trying to cool down with a sip of wine. We finished our kimchi and thanked her. She told us to keep the chopsticks as a gift from her to use since we liked Oriental food so much. I thanked her profusely for the kindness, especially since they were beautiful. Chen acknowledged our thanks with a smile and went back into her house.
Later, she brought us a quart jar of her kimchi for our personal consumption. She had changed into one of her lounge sets and looked just ravishing. I tried not to be too obvious but I couldn’t help but think I would really love to suck on her pussy until her brown eyes turned blue.
One morning when my training site was down and Mandi had to work an early shift, I wandered out back of the house and sat under the tree with a beer. The dogs wandered around the yard, sniffing and generally doing dog stuff. It was a quiet morning, and as I sat there, I saw Chen come out of her house. She was wearing a large t-shirt, and some clog sandals. The t-shirt came down to her mid-thighs.
She had set some flowers in pots, and proceeded to water the flowers, and pick at them. When she got to one of them on the far side of the patio, she bent over and I almost choked on my beer. She wasn’t wearing any underwear, and I got a nice shot of her pussy and ass when the shirt rode up on her back. I enjoyed the view for a few seconds, and watched as she moved from plant to plant. She didn’t have a bra on either, because I could see her tits shaking around under the shirt, and with it being a mild day, her nipples were at attention. She went on with her work for a few more minutes, and when she got around to the side closest to me, I was disappointed since I wasn’t getting a good ass shot occasionally.
As she stooped to pull a weed from one of the pots, she realized I was sitting outside, watching her. Just about the time we made eye contact, she had squatted down and I had a full view of her pussy. I casually waved at her, and she stood up, looked a bit embarrassed, and waved back and went on watering the plants. After she finished, she went back in the house, only to reappear a minute or so later and came down to the fence with a coffee mug in her hand. I walked over to the fence and noticed she was drinking tea, not coffee.
I asked how Benny was doing, since I hadn’t seen him in a while. She told me that he had returned to the post where he had his original surgery, for another operation to try and free up a couple of his spinal disks that had started to fuse together and cause him a lot of pain. She also asked what I was doing home. I told her my site was down that day and I didn’t have to do any maintenance.
She gave me a curious look, and then said, “Can you move some boxes and some furniture for me?”
I told her it would be no problem, and she said, “Come on over.”
I went back in the house, grabbed a couple of beers and went over to her house. I went in the back door, and sat down in the kitchen. Chen walked back in, having lost the sandals, but was still wearing the t-shirt. From the looks of things, she hadn’t put anything on under it.
She took my hand and pulled me out of the chair.
“Come on, lazy man!” she told me, and dragged me toward the living room.
She showed me where she wanted to move things to, and we spent about a half-hour getting things moved around to her liking. Then she told me to follow her and she headed into her bedroom. She had some boxes packed up and needed them taken out to her storage building. I took them out and stashed them and we returned to the kitchen. She opened another beer for me and sat down.
She looked at me with a little girl pout and began to tear up. I was flabbergasted, but reached over and rubbed her shoulder, and asked her what was up. She explained that she was worried about Benny, and she was sad that she couldn’t go to the hospital with him. She had to stay with the kids. I told her it was okay, and tried to assure that things would be fine. She shook her head, and wiped her eyes. She made some noise about looking a mess with her teary eyes. I told her she still looked wonderful to me. She lifted a foot onto her chair, and rubbed at it as she began to speak again.
I asked her, “Does your foot hurt?”
She replied, “I think I hurt it doing aerobics the other day. It doesn’t feel right, and when I move it a certain way, it really stabs me with pain.”
I told her she should let me massage it, and she seemed grateful for the opportunity. We went into the living room, and I had her get some lotion for her feet. I sat down and she put her foot in my lap. Her shirt had ridden up high on her thighs, just short of where I could see her pussy.
She laid out on the couch on her back with those fine tits thrust straight up in the air, nipples starting to harden. I began working on her foot and she sighed with pain and relief. I worked on her foot for a few minutes until I finally felt the area that had been injured. There was some slight swelling, and about 4 bones that had been moved out of place.
I asked her if she minded a bit of pain if I made her foot feel better. She looked squeamish, but gave me the go ahead. I told her to close her eyes, and added some more lotion to my hands. I lifted the ball of her foot with one hand and started gripping and turning her foot with the other. The stretch and turn made the bones pop and crack, and she gasped sharply, but quickly settled back as she felt the pain began go away. She opened her eyes and smiled at me, and asked if I could work on the other foot.
I agreed and began to massage the other foot, causing her t-shirt to ride up a little higher until I had a bird’s eye view of her pussy. Her legs were smooth and hairless, and totally unblemished. I worked on the other foot until she sighed with delight.
I figured that since I was here, I would have to ask her, “Would you like the rest of you massaged?”
She looked at me for a second, and my heart shrank when I saw her knot her brow, and give me a dirty look.
But after a second or so, she smiled and said, “If you can make me feel as good as my feet, I would love to.”
Well, I figured the door was open now so I had her turn over and started with her legs. I massaged them up to the break of her butt cheeks, and worked her calf muscles until she was sighing with painful pleasure. After I finished her legs and calves, I grabbed the t-shirt hem and pulled it upward over her butt toward her shoulders. She raised up and slipped it off. By now I was getting half hard in my shorts, with no underwear to hide it.
I worked her back and buttocks, again eliciting moans of delight. When I finally finished I pulled her over to where she rolled over on her back. She was totally unabashed and lay out naked for me. I rubbed some lotion in my hands to warm it and started with her neck, worked down to her breasts and massaged them with a firm but gentle touch. Her nipples sprang to life with the touch. I worked her stomach and abdomen, finally finishing with her thighs.
She was laying there with her eyes shut, legs ajar, and looked just purely beautiful. I had never seen anything so perfect, not a flaw, wonderful tits, bigger than a mouthful but not by too much (call her a small C-cup), sparse, silky fine pubic hair, lovely little slit, I was in heaven just looking at her. But not wanting to leave the stoned unturned if she was ready, I slid down the couch, and began to kiss her thighs.
I kissed up to her pussy and gave it a preliminary kiss. She opened her legs a bit, and kept her eyes closed tightly shut. I took this as a good sign and began to lick at her pussy lips, slowly parting them with my tongue. I probed into her vaginal opening with my tongue, and worked up to her clit. It was small and delicate but popped out with little effort. I pushed her legs open even further and when I went to work on her clit, she let out a loud sigh. I started my tongue and lip trick on her clit, and was rewarded with some movement of her hips, and then a hand on my head, followed closely by the other hand.
She pressed my head down hard, and I worked my tongue and lips in response. I stayed with it for another couple of minutes until I felt her tighten up even more, and she started lifting her ass off the couch. I felt the beginnings of a good orgasm coming, and sure enough, she started bucking around and pushing my head away only to drag it right back. She gasped out loud and then suddenly went into a shaking spasm, making a sound under her breath that I could have sworn wasn’t human. She rode my face hard for a few more seconds until collapsing back onto the couch and suddenly, almost violently, pushed my head away.
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32